Normally I don’t like 3d movies. I don’t feel 3d adds anything and I would just rather watch a normal film without paying a $3.50 extra charge because the film is in 3d and I need their highly sophisticated dinky plastic glasses to view this extravaganza. But when we made our 3d film in class it was a fun experience.
I started by making the 3d glasses. These babies are classic red and blue lens 3d glasses, very retro. I think of them similar to the ones the goon in Back to the Future wore as part of Biff’s crew. Why someone would where 3d glasses all the time I don’t know? but they are cool.
After that it was time to shoot. We got the dual cameras set up and in line down the hall. We quickly thought of things that would emphasize the 3d depth we wanted to achieve. The plan went me, Dana and Sheena would stand at the end of the hall. Dana and I would wave these filters around toward the camera and Sheena would spin a filter like a flag. Then Timmy and Ian would “close the gate” with two black filters. D, S and I would move forward and wave the filters in the same pattern as before, each time moving closer to the cameras. The end would have the gate open toward the cameras and Sheena spinning her filter like a color guard’s flag at the cameras as well.
This whole sequence took a few run-throughs to get down and then we shot it in three takes. Then quickly as time expired in class we ran through the process to change the video we shot to 3d in After Effects. I was a neat process and I would like to take some time with it myself to try it on my own. But for the project we had our three takes but they weren’t labeled, so when my group opened two up to use, the two eyes were from different takes. I hope whoever has the footage corrected the problem and has a file I can take for my own collection.
Overall this was a great experience once again. I don’t know if I’ll ever use it myself but I liked that I had the chance in this class.
(On a side note: I know Hollywood is always going for the “realism” experience but even depth of field with 3d doesn’t look like normal depth of field. 3d separates objects onto planes and I can see that one object is on a separate plane than another but the object itself is still flat. 3d needs to become more rounded if it wants to compete with reality.)
My 3D glasses.
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